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Course 4 - Automation with Python

In Cybersecurity, understanding the status of a website or web service is crucial.

We will develop a Python script to determine the status of a website without directly accessing it over the internet. This approach will minimize potential attack vectors and increase online security.


Install the requests library

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install the requests library: pip install requests

Ask for the website URL the user wants to check:

  1. User Input: The script prompts the user to enter the URL they want to check. Ensure you input a valid URL starting with "http://" or "https://".

Use the Method from the Library:

  1. HTTP GET Request: The requests.get() function is used to send an HTTP GET request to the provided URL.

Status Code:

  1. Response Status Code: The HTTP response status code is printed to indicate the status of the website. A status code of 200-299 typically means success. A status code of 400–499 means Client error. A status code of 500-599 means Server error.



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